AU Deals: Four Free Games to Nab Now and the Best Black Friday Deals You May Have Missed! – IGN
Welcome back, dear friend and fellow discount fiend, to my regularly scheduled programming. I’ve helped a bunch of you navigate the bargains of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Now it’s all about picking through the wreckage and finding the gold that everybody else somehow missed (and you’d be surprised). Or, alternatively, let’s all just score a bunch of free games*.
In retro news, I’m hosting a 21st…er, party for Mario Party 5. This GameCube entry tried to bring change to the static formula of the series, most notably with its new capsule system. Mixed results there, because while there was a decent amount of creative minigames, the aging board gameplay remained creaky. Regardless—and this is true of most Mario Parties—I had the right crew whose competitive antics elevated this immeasurably. Possibly due to a drinking game we added. Not sure; scenes missing.
This Day in Gaming 🎂
Aussie birthdays for notable games.
– Mario Party 5 (GC) 2003. Sequels
– Beyond Good & Evil (PC) 2003. Redux
– Counter-Strike (XB) 2003. Get
Table of Contents
Switch Pro Cont.
Even if, like me, the Pro Controller’s price gives you pause, I can’t deny that you absolutely get a high-quality gamepad that rivals the default input devices on the other two consoles.
Expiring Recent Deals
Or gift a Nintendo eShop Card.
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W40K: Darktide
Darktide is, without question, the most entertaining co-op FPS I’ve played since Left 4 Dead 2. That careful balancing act between multiple methods of murder is ceaselessly entertaining.
Expiring Recent Deals
Or just get a Steam Wallet Card
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Sega Mega Drive Classics
Warning: this delists in 2 days! You’d be kinda nuts not to pay under ten bucks for 50 (mostly) all-time Mega Drive classics that have modern creature comforts like rewinding, online play, and cheevos.
Expiring Recent Deals
Or just invest in an Xbox Card.
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FC 25
The leading football simulator, EA Sports FC 25 introduces some interesting new features, particularly the fast-paced and compelling Rush mode, but much of the package beyond that feels overly familiar.
Expiring Recent Deals
Or purchase a PS Store Card.
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Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Garden
Great bargain price. Mind the bees, though.
Expiring Recent Deals
This holiday season, I’m doing something different with the LEGO section. In Mathew Manor, my sons and I are racing LEGO Advent Calendars—we open our respective ones daily and compare the mini-prizes for “Coolness” and “Actual Xmas-ness”. Winner gets extra eggnog.
If you’re also feeling festive, here are the cheapest prices for the three calendars we’re using. Or just live vicariously through us.
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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.